John and Betty

This blog was first written in 2018, we have since closed our physical location. For more information see here.

One of the books that we often got asked about was "John and Betty", sometimes called 'the school reader with the orange cover'. Published by the Education Department of Victoria it was one of the first school readers that primary school children in the 1950s encountered.

It's a book that is getting increasingly difficult to find. Additionally it's an extremely small thin book made for schoolchildren over 50 years ago and a lot of them have not weathered well.

This is everything from the first page:

John and Betty

The Earliest Reader for the Little Ones.

Illustrations by Marjorie Howden

Education Department of Victorian 1951

A. C. Brooks, Government Printer, Melbourne

When we had the book for sale we had it on our feature books page, looking through our photos we realised we had taken more photos than we originally featured, so we thought we'd present it all here.